Friday, June 27, 2008

Rockhopper, Catalog, Good news and bad...

Rockhopper is here! Of course! also a new sports catalog! Check it out! Here are some cheats for the new catalog:

(1) Click on the soccer ball, and you can get the cleats. Dance with just the soccer ball and you will bounce the soccer ball from one leg to another.

(2) Same ol' surfboard cheat... click on the penguin, the shell, and the other shell and you will get the silver surfboard... sigh...

In other news, I have decided to tell you the 2 servers Rockhopper goes on THE MOST:
Frozen and Mammoth

If you don't see him on any of those, he is either not on OR he is on another server. Check to see a REALLY POPULATED server that is not usually populated, like Parka.

If you meet RH you will get a very snazzy background with his signature. COOL!

I am VERY sorry for this news,
but after that first post and the comments, I am NOT accepting any more people to manage the site unless I invite you to do so. Right now I am inviting Spoil Pink and Pengineeta to help me, and that is going to be all for now. Again, I am very sorry. I may invite you later, but I do have to have your email.

Also, in good news, Mishmash is supposed to wake up from his coma on June 30. That is AWESOME! There is going to be a party for it. Go to for more information. I hope that a lot of people go to the party! I'm sure goin!

I want to do a Buddy Of the Week thing, where one of my buddies, each week (or month, as I am thinking), gets recognized for being so awesome and being a good friend. Whoever gets buddy of the week (or "Month") gets a super party and a one month membership (or other prize if they are already a member) so check back soon! I think that I will do Buddy of the Month instead of week because it will do well on my allowance. Can you even bear it, getting 10 dollars a week, and having to spend 6 of it each week? No, I am a save/spend person haha...

Anyways, see ya around Club Penguin! ( or at least I hope I do)

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